Secure Desktop Contents User Application Setup Timer Application Setup

Start-up Application Setup


In the Startup group, you will find 18 tabs labeled S1 - S18. These tabs define up to 18 applications that will automatically start right after the Visual Automation Secure Desktop has started, or based on a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Item value that is not zero.


Clicking on one of these tabs, you'll find that many of the fields are hidden that are not needed. These applications never appear to the user as applications that can be started, they just start. Therefore, you only need the command string, the Window state, and application start enabled for the main configuration.


If you choose to start an application via DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), you can enter the application, topic, and item of the DDE Server application. The Visual Automation Secure Desktop monitors this DDE value. When the value is not zero, the application will start and Secure Desktop will then set the value back to zero. The next time the value is not zero, the application will start again. This can be useful in several situations. For instance, if a DDE Server is connected to a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), the PLC could start an application on the computer based on control logic for report generation or some other diagnostic function.




Secure Desktop Contents User Application Setup Timer Application Setup