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Explorer Tips

There may be a case where you want use Explorer type windows to display icons. You can display a "directory" or "folder" by specifying a command line of EXPLORER.EXE followed by the full directory path. This will allow the icons to be displayed in an explorer window, providing full access just like normal explorer mode, meaning icons and programs can be deleted, modified, etc. The following is a full definition of the explorer command line interface:


You can use the command-line switches for Windows Explorer in shortcut links or batch files, for example, to run Windows Explorer with a specified file selected.




explorer [/n] [/e][,/root,object][[,/select],subobject]






Always open a new window (even if the specified folder is already open).




Use Windows Explorer view. The default is Open view.




Specify the object in the normal namespace that will be used as the root of this Windows Explorer Folder. The default is to just use the normal namespace root (the desktop).




Specify the folder to receive the initial focus unless /select is used. The default is the root.




Specifies that the parent folder is opened and the specified object is selected.


Windows Explorer Examples


To open a window rooted at \\myserver so you can easily browse the whole server, but nothing else:


explorer /e,/root,\\myserver


To open a folder window on C:\WINDOWS (or make an open window active) and select CALC.EXE, use:


explorer /select,c:\windows\calc.exe

Secure Desktop Contents Control Panel Tips Dialup Tips