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Secure Desktop Options - DDE




Sync Computer Date/Time with DDE Server - Many PLCs have their own real time clock. It's important to syncronize the computer's date and time with the PLC is data collection environments. If the periodic option is chosen, the date and time is syncronized at midnight every day, once per week (on Sunday), or once per month (on the 1st of the month).


The date and time can also be syncronized based on a DDE event. If the DDE value is not zero, the date and time will be synced, and the DDE value set back to zero. The values in the Year, Month, and Day items are concatenated in the form of MM-DD-YYYY for setting the date. The values in the Hour, Minute, and Second items are concatenated in the form of HH:MM:SS for setting the time.


Please see DDE Basics for an explanation about Dynamic Data Exchange.


INI File Window - To the left of the OK button. This tells you the exact INI file that is being edited while in this dialog.



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