Secure Desktop Contents mult-user option Hide Folders



The Supervisor feature provides an easy way to 'login' with one password and have un-interrupted access to normally 'secure' items. If enabled, a new button appears on Secure Desktop that prompts for a password. The password could be a text string or a number based on a calculation based on a number up to 5 digits, the day, the month, and the year. The equation is


(Month * Day) + Month + Day + Year + 5digitnumber


When the supervisor has successfully logged in, he may have access to any of the items checked. Note that buttons that may not have been enabled under normal operation can be turned on temporarily in this manner. After login, the Supervisor button is indented red and the icon background is yellow to remind the Supervisor to logoff, which requires another click of the button. You can set a time for automatic logoff also. If a calculation password is chosen, you have the choice of storing the number in the INI file or in the registry. The registry location is


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Visual Automation\Secure Desktop\Version4.0\CalcNumber


All other values (and the 5 digit number if selected) are stored in the VISUAUTO.INI file located in the Windows directory in the Secure Desktop section.


The dialog is displayed below:



Secure Desktop Contents mult-user option Hide Folders